Shockley Read Hall

class semiconductor.recombination.SRH(**kwargs)[source]

This calculates the steady state shockley read hall recombiation that occurs for given defects.

  1. material: (str, Si)
    The elemental name for the material
  2. temp: (float Kelvin, 300)
    The temperature of the material in
  3. defect: (str)
    The author of the model to be used
  4. Nt: (float cm-3)
    The number of defects
  5. nxc: (array like cm-3)
    The number of excess carriers
  6. Na: (array like cm-3)
    The number of acceptor dopants
  7. Nd: (array like cm-3)
    The number of donar dopants
  8. vth_author: (str)
    Author for the thermal velocity model to be used
  9. ni_author: (str)
    Author for the intrinsic carrier density
  10. BGN_author: (str) Author for the band gap narrowing model

reports the lifetime of the current defect for the given excess carrier density.

usr_vals(Et=None, sigma_e=None, sigma_h=None, tau_e=None, tau_h=None, Nt=None)[source]

a function to provide arbitory values for SRH lifetime. inputs:

Et: (optional float)
The energy level from the intrinsic level in eV
sigma_e: (optional float)
The capture cross section for electrons in seconds
sigma_h: (optional float)
The capture cross section for holes in seconds