Effective mass

From the effective mass of electrons and holes we are able to determine the density of states and thermal velocties. These are not usually models, but fixed values. From these we can calculate the density of states as well as the thermal velocities.


class semiconductor.material.ThermalVelocity(**kwargs)[source]

This calculates the thermal velocity.

  1. material: (str)
    The elemental name for the material. Defualt (Si)
  2. temp: (float)
    The temperature of the material in Kelvin (300)
  3. author: (str)
    The author of the model to be used

a function to update the thermal velocity

temperature: (optional)
in kelvin
author: (optional)
the author used. If not provided the last provided author is used If no author has been provided, Couderc’s model is used
the thermal velocity in cm/s